Building Inspections

To construct, install or make alterations to any new or existing building in the corporate limits of the Town of Parkton you must make application for the required permits listed below:

Zoning Permit “Issued by Town of Parkton Zoning Department” 28 W. David Parnell St. Parkton, NC 28371

Owner must provide a copy of the following:

  • A copy of the recorded property deed.
  • E-911 Address and Flood Plain Hazard Map Template issued by the Robeson County E-911 Tax Mapping Department.
  • Certification from the Robeson County Tax Office indicating all delinquent taxes are paid.
  • Detailed drawn to scale site plan required.

Septic Tank Approval “Issued by the Robeson County Environmental Health, 460 Country Club Rd. Lumberton, NC

Soil Evaluation “Perk Test”

Owner must provide a copy of the following:

  • Permit to install or make improvements to existing septic system
  • Approvals are required to authorize issuance of occupancy

DOT Driveway Permit “Issued by NC Department of Transportation” 872 NC 711 HWY, Lumberton NC

Is required to obtain access to the property from a state maintained right of way. G. S. 136-18(5) and 136-93

Flood Elevation Preconstruction Certification “If the home is located in the Special Flood Plain Hazard Area the owner will have to provide a Certification provided by a NC Licensed Surveyor or Engineer.

Building Permits “Issued by the Robeson County Inspection Department”, 435 Canton Rd, Lumberton, NC

Listed below are the minimum required documents to be submitted for the review process to be conducted:

Two (2) complete sets of construction drawings are required prior to any permits to build will be issued.

Detailed “drawn to scale” site plan for all commercial and residential new construction and/or additions to an existing building;

Appendix B;

Floor plan;

Foundation, Pier and Footing, Floor, Wall, and Roof Details;

Elevations of the Front, Rear, Sides and Roof Sections;

Plumbing; Electrical Drawings; Mechanical Drawings; Life Safety Drawings

Lien Agent Appointment Document effective April 1, 2013

Permits required:

Note: The construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, movement to another site, removal, or demolition of any building may not commenced or proceeded without first securing each permit required by the NC Building Code. G.S. 153A-357 and 160A-417

Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Insulation

Permits required may be obtained by the owner, providing the owner qualifies and successfully executes the Owner’s Exception Form as required. If not issued to the owner, a state qualified licensed individual in their appurtenant trade must apply for the permits.

Building Inspections

Phone: (910) 858-3360

Address:  28 W David Parnell St., Parkton, NC 28371