Total $70.28
Total $61.64
Total $35.29
For every gallon of water used after 3,000, there will be a charge for every gallon.
Meters will be read and bills rendered as follows:
Meter Readings for each cycle are completed during the following time period:
Read between the 18th and 25th of each month.
Bills are calculated and mailed out on the 26th of each month.
The Water Department reserves the right to vary reading and billing dates as needed. You should always receive your bill within three days of the billing date. In the event that you do not receive your bill, please call Parkton Town Hall. Failure to receive your bill will not prevent the bill from becoming delinquent.
Bills are considered delinquent if not paid by the 25th of every month. If the 25th falls on a weekend or a holiday, the bill is due the Friday before. Turn offs’ will be done 5 business days after the due date. The Town of Parkton reserves the right to discontinue your service. It is not our policy to notify the customers prior to disconnecting services. In order to maintain fairness to all customers, we can no longer grant a time extension on water bills. Before water is turned on, the bill must be paid in full with an additional $25.00 reconnection fee.
Our policy is No Reconnections after hours; there will be NO exceptions. Upon discontinuance of service for nonpayment of bills, the Town of Parkton may proceed to collect the balances through Debt Setoff.
In the event water is not turned back on for nonpayment:
The Town of Parkton will allow customers 30 days after water is cut off for non-payment before the Town takes action. On day 30 the town will proceed to contact Health and Sanitation of Robeson County. The Town of Parkton will remove the trash can from your property due to non-payment on services rendered to you. When water, sewer, and garbage bill is paid in full you will receive all your services.
The Town of Parkton does not assume the responsibility of inspecting the consumer’s piping or apparatus and will not be responsible, therefore.
The Town of Parkton reserves the right to refuse services unless the consumer’s lines or piping are installed in such manner as to prevent cross-connections or backflow.
The Town of Parkton shall not be liable for damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from water or the use of water on the consumer’s premises, unless such damage results directly from negligence on the part of the Town. The Town of Parkton shall not be responsible for any damage done by or resulting from any defect in the plumbing, fixtures, or appliances on the consumer’s premises. The Town shall not be responsible for negligence of third persons or forces beyond the control of the Town of Parkton resulting in any interruption of services.
The consumer’s sewer line begins at the dwelling and ends at the sewer main.
The consumer’s water line starts on the backside of the water meter box.
The most common cause for a high water bill is running water in your toilet. A continuously running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons a day. That can double a family’s typical water use, so fix toilet leaks as soon as possible. Some leaks are easy to find, such as a dripping faucet or running toilet.
Never flush these items down the toilet:
When flushed down the toilet, these items bind together and may cause sewage backups in homes, manhole overflows and failures at sewage pumping stations, costing thousands of dollars to repair.
Only human waste and toilet paper should be flushed. Even though some products such as wipes and baby diapers may claim to be flushable, they are not.
To prevent sewer overflows please do not pour fats/oils/grease down the drain.
Most grease is a byproduct of cooking and is usually found in such things as:
Here’s how you can help prevent sewer backups:
Never pour grease down sink drains or into toilets or garbage disposals.
Pour grease into a covered disposable container and put it into the trash.
Soak up the remaining fats, oils, and grease with paper towels and dispose with your trash.
Before you wash dishes, scrape meats and food with fat and grease into the trash.
Put baskets or strainers in sink drains to catch food scraps and other solids, and empty the drain basket or strainer into the trash.
Only use garbage disposals for fruits, vegetables, and organic waste.
For more information, download our FOG Brochure in English Spanish.
Trash pickup is on Wednesdays. For collection of garbage please place your receptacle out the night before; (Tuesday Night) and return to the rear of yard the day of collection. Our provider will be picking up at an unknown time, so it is best to place your trash receptacle out Tuesday Night.
Recycle Dates remaining in 2024 are Nov 20, Dec 4 and 18
All garbage pickup will be delayed if the holidays listed fall on a weekday: New Years, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day and Christmas.
Open Burning of leaves, vegetation is not allowed in the Town limits
Weekly collection of limbs, cuttings, leaves, grass clippings and pine cones will be done on Wednesdays with the trash pick up
Limbs, cuttings, leaves, grass clippings and pine cones should not be mixed together.
Leaves, grass clippings and pine cones should be bagged, limit of 10 (33gallon) bags not to exceed 40 lbs.
Limbs and cuttings should be in one pile (not to exceed 3 ft. in height) and MUST NOT EXCEED a size of 48 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter.
Piles should be located on YOUR property at edge of street. Please DO NOT place YOUR debris on someone else’s property.
Any piles that EXCEED this limit are considered CHARGE PILES at a charge of $25.00 per load
UNACCEPTABLE: Loose piles of leaves, clippings, pine straw, any debris resulting from CONTRACTED SERVICES (including landscapers, laborers and tree services – this debris must be hauled off by the contractors or homeowner), sand or dirt piles.
Public Works Supervisor: Joe Penfield
Phone: (910) 858-3360