Voter Registration

In order to register to vote in North Carolina, a person must meet the legal qualifications to vote and complete a voter registration application. After completing the application, applicants must provide their full name, residential address, date of birth, and citizenship status. In addition, the application must be signed pen to paper (Electronic signatures do not count). Failure to complete a required field on the form will delay the processing of the application. After completion, the application should be mailed to the board of elections office in the county in which the applicant resides.

If the application is complete and the applicant meets all qualifications to vote, the county board of elections will mail a voter registration card to the applicant to provide notice of the registration. This mailing is non-forwardable and also serves to verify the applicant’s address. If a voter card is returned by the postal service as undeliverable, then a second mailing will be sent to the voter. In the event that the second mailing is also returned as undeliverable, the applicant’s voter registration may subsequently be denied.
Voter registration applicants who have met the voter registration deadline should expect to receive their voter card within 1 to 2 weeks. Applicants should contact their county board of elections if they do not receive their voter card within two weeks. Note: The applicant must have transmitted the registration application by the registration deadline; otherwise, the voter card will not be mailed until after the completion of the election.

Registration Information

Office Hours: M-F (8:15—5:15)

Physical Address: 800 N. Walnut Street, Lumberton, NC 28358

Mailing Address: PO Box 2159, Lumberton, NC 28359

Phone: 910-671-3080

Fax: 910-671-3089


Director:  Tina Bledsoe
